Special Offers

If you partied too much during the holidays and as a result have ugly stains on your carpet, call Carpet Service & Care Richmond. We have just the right products and the proper knowledge to clean your carpet and return it to its original state. Your floor coverings, whether it is tiles or carpeting, make a statement about the general cleanliness of your home. When clean they make a strong and good impression but when dirty they may indicate your home is in a poor condition.

Accidents do happen at home and sometimes you may end up with a stained carpet. If you need blood stain removal, we can help you. We have the right chemical solution that will dissolve any stains in your carpet allowing us to suck it out to completely clean.

Carpet Steam Cleaners

Green Carpet Cleaning - Removing Carpet Stains

We can remove carpet stains even for the most extensive and permanent-looking. We enjoy and welcome challenges and therefore will work until we have attained the best results. Part of our commitment knows how important it is for a customer to have a clean home and to feel good about the services that they receive. That is why we work hard to make sure that we do a good job and that the client is satisfied. We have the best carpet stain remover services in town. Over time, we have come up with the best and most effective techniques to clean your stains. We use cleaning products that have proven to work well each time. We can use a combination of products for effective treatment.

Truckmounted Carpet Cleaning

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